I wanted to post a couple charts to give people a idea of what the normal range is for blood pressure and heart rate.


Although Hypotension is not talked about much like Hypertension. It is very real.
Here are some symptoms to know if you have hypotension.

Classic symptoms of low blood pressure include:

* Dizziness, or feeling like you’re standing on a rocking boat
* Fainting
* Changes in mental status (difficulty concentrating, confusion) or a sense
of"impending doom" or anxiety
* Changes in breathing patterns (fast, shallow breathing is common during an episode of low blood pressure)
* Nausea
* Suddenly feeling cold or clammy, or a rapid onset of pale skin

While all of these symptoms indicate that a visit to the doctor is needed, fainting or ongoing dizziness are especially alarming and warrant an immediate visit to either your own doctor or to the emergency room. If you experience fainting along with nausea, chest pain, or any type of weakness/numbness in your body, you should call 911 immediately. These symptoms may be indicators of stroke, heart attack, or dangerous problems with the nervous system.

(This generally happens to all with Dysautonomia upon sitting or standing that is why some of us are bed ridden or may need wheel chairs. The severity is different in all of us. While we can have good days and bad.)

The chart below shows normal heart rate zones and how your hr should be at rest or while doing cardio workouts.

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